July 20, 2009

Around the house....

Sydney has been such a joy this summer. She is growing and changing everyday. I can't believe that she has grown a whole shoe size in two months. I can't keep up with her! Her language is still improving daily. Here are a few of the words (two words) that she can say......I eat, Mama eat, Dada eat, Elle suit, Sy-Sy (Sydney) suit, No Claude, Go Claude, I tee tee, and so on. She loves to sit and carry on a conversation as well. Just recently I watched her feed her Elmo doll, her toy kitty, and puppy for 30 min from her little kitchen. It was so cute. It is amazing what they pick up! Here are a few pictures around the house. Sydney has fallen in love with Elmo just recently so he is in majority of the pictures. At night she now sleeps with Elle, puppy, kitty (Clau-Clau), and Elmo. It is a real crew! First real boo boo! Elmo bubbles! Walking with Claude Sydney LOVES watermelon!
So happy

1 comment:

Boys will be Boys! said...

Growin up so fast! Thanks for the pictures...the camera on my phone stinks, so I haven't been able to send any. I will soon...

Lots of loves from Aunt!