What a fun weekend! My parents and family friends go camping every Memorial Day weekend. This year my birthday fell on the same weekend so it was nice to see everyone during that time. Sydney loved playing with the other little ones. It rained off and on so it seemed that they enjoyed the water puddles more than the swimming pools. Enjoy the pics!
Another year!
Helping Mommy blow out the candle.
Thank goodness for Elle!
Sleeping so good!
Beautiful sunrise!
Our morning walk at the lake.
Getting a ride from Emi Wegener!
Syd, Adi Siegel, and Emi
Eating with Nanny and PoPo
Greg, Syd, and Emi
So happy!
This cookie is delicious!
Here is your ball, Jake!
Jake relaxing in the pool
Like this, Adi!
Bryce, Emi, and Sydney